Thursday, January 13, 2011

TG Recipro Dragonfly & Halberd Cannon in Golden Cloud

The 2 cards that will come out in Extreme Victory.

Tech Genus Recipro Dragonfly

1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner monster
Once per turn, you can send 1 other "Tech Genus" Synchro Monster you control to the Graveyard. Then, if all the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of that monster are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.

1. Special summon storm dragon, summon turbulence, turbulence gain 2 counter > special summon 2 smoke balls.

2. Synchro storm dragon and turbulence with fishborg into librarians.

3. Tune both smoke balls into Recipro dragonfly A and Recipro dragonfly B (The latter summoned Recipro dragonfly), use Dragonfly A's effect to split Dragonfly B into its material (Dragonfly A cannot be splitted by other Recipro dragonflies' effect because fishborg is summoned once again for the synchro summon of dragonfly B, and hence lost its "used for the synchro summoned" condition for dragonfly A, thanks to Rauzes for pointing this out). Total draw will be 4 cards from librarian's effect in synchroing 2 Recipro dragonflies.

4. Use the materials from the splitted Recipro dragonfly to form formula synchron and draw extra 3 cards.

5. Use pot of avarice and return all your synchros and hopefully you can repeat #1 - #4 next turn :D.

6. All of the above are assuming nothing horrible happens.

Tech Genus Halberd Cannon

1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 2 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. While this card is face-up on the field, once per turn you can negate the Normal Summon, Flip Summon or Special Summon of a monster and destroy it. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 Tech Genus monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

Formula Synchron + 2 Librarians (1 synchro tuner + 2 synchro non- tuner :D)

For those who are looking for Golden Cloud decklist, just look around 3-4 previous posts and there you are.

Props to for the card names and effects.

[Note: I edited the post due to Rauzes's comment on used for synchro summon rulings. Thanks again to him for pointing that out.]


  1. Only one problem with your little combo:
    For a card to be counted as being used as a synchro summon(for a card), it has to be sent to the graveyard from that synchro summon, and never leave it in order to retain that condition.

    IE: special summon it somehow, and it loses instantly "used for synchro summon of XXXXX"

  2. Thanks for pointing it out. That ruling's kind of new to me.. I'll edit the post ASAP and rework on the combo.

  3. so basically if
    1. i had a formula synchron made from bulb+tuningware

    2. use formula to become AOJ catastor
    3. break catastor using dragonfly

    so i does it mean that i cannot use another dragonfly to break formula to bulb+tuningware?
